Advisory Board

Professor Amnon H. Eden

Amnon H. Eden, Ph.D. is a computer scientist, assistant professor with the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, a research fellow with the Center For Inquiry, and the associate editor of Minds and Machines. In the past he worked in the high-tech industry as a programmer and software designer and chaired the software engineering diploma programme at Tel Aviv College of Management.
His research interests span a range of subjects in software design, artificial intelligence, software modeling, the future of computing, and the philosophy of computer science. His contributions include LePUS3, the Intension/Locality hypothesis, the paradigms of computer science, metrics for measuring software flexibility, and the ontology of computer programs.
Amnon’s work on LePUS3 Design Description Language has been used as a basis for several spin-off specification languages and tools, including the Two-Tier Programming Toolkit. Read the full list of his publications. His research is/was funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), European Science Foundation (ESF), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and Eshkol Fund, among others.
Amnon earned his Ph.D. for research in software design from the Department of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University in 2001, and an MSc (Cum Laude) for his research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science in 1994. His undergraduate and graduate education in mathematics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and philosophy was guided (and funded) by Yehuda Elkana’s Interdisciplinary Programme for Fostering Excellence (subsequently renamed “Adi Lautman”) at Tel Aviv University.
Read his LinkedIn profile.