Advisory Board

Alison Lewis, MFA

Alison Lewis, MFA, named one of Fast Companies Most Influential Women of 2010, is a author, techno-stylist, blogger, designer, and sometimes TV host.
Her passion is to make technology beautiful and accessible to the female audience through the web and video media channels. Alison specializes in idea generation, prototyping of smart textiles, online DIYs and tutorials, intelligent interiors, and public speaking.
Alison is the author of Switch Craft, a book with 20 DIY projects that integrate sewing, craft, and electronics. She also produces, an online DIY blog that showcases technology as modern, crafty, fashionable, and fun.
She holds a graduate degree from the Parsons School of Design where she has taught fashion technology and fashion communication. She also graduated from Singularity University. Alison has been able to reach a wide population of women through the Martha Stewart show, NYTimes, the AP, as a speaker on the DIY movement,and on her blog,
On TV, Alison designs and builds original interactive interiors as the techno-fashionista guru for the television show MyHome2.0 and has been a guest on the Martha Stewart Show.
Watch artfuture :: Alison Lewis – Light-Up Purse and Alison Lewis Video Reel. Read Q+A: Alison Lewis On Fashion Hackers, and Gender in Technology, Interview with Alison Lewis, and Home Crafts Get Wired. Read her LinkedIn profile. Follow her Twitter feed. Visit her Facebook page.