Advisory Board

Alessandro Tocchio, MSc

Alessandro Tocchio, MSc is Researcher at Fondazione Filarete.

Alex has been working as a researcher at Fondazione Filarete in Milan developing innovative technologies for tissue engineering applications since 2009. He also began studying in a Ph.D. program in medical nanotechnology at the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) in 2010. He formerly worked as an analyst at a private equity firm in Milan.

His educational background includes a Bachelor and Master of Science in Physics Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan, with a focus on nanotechnology, completed with his dissertation on magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia cancer treatment. He graduated Singularity University in 2012.

His papers include Nanotechnology in Medicine: From Inception to Market Domination, Magnetic Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) Particles Prepared in the Presence of Surface-Modified γ-Fe2O3, Excimer laser micropatterning of freestanding thermo-responsive hydrogel layers for cells-on-chip applications, A new two-beam differential resonant micro accelerometer, A Resonant Microaccelerometer With High Sensitivity Operating in an Oscillating Circuit, Mechanical and Electronic Amplitude-Limiting Techniques in a MEMS Resonant Accelerometer, Enhancing the Linear Range of MEMS Resonators for Sensing Applications, and A Versatile Instrument for the Characterization of Capacitive Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems.

In 2010 Alex was awarded with a Ph.D. scholarship from SEMM and recently he was awarded two prizes at the 2011 StartCup Lombardy contest for the best entrepreneurial idea in the Milan area and in the Life Sciences categories. The entrepreneurial project that originated from this idea, Tensive, is now being incubated in the business accelerator of Fondazione Filarete.

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