Comments on: The Fermi Paradox Has An Incredibly Simple Solution Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 03 Aug 2023 16:52:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daryl Tempesta Thu, 03 Aug 2023 16:52:14 +0000 The basic problem is that humans are fully limited in all quantum minimal reaches. The next problem is that given AI and a pause rule, humans must be resurrected with the time of an environment and with the freewill, and intelligence, to meet the pause criteria. While the Fermi Paradox gives a periodic species, it becomes a printed and reconstituted basis kind of human suitable long space travel; suitable for AI kind of transient life, extinct as it may. Yet bubbles of life to confirm the pause. Third, all reaches are minimized humanistically because the absolute majority surrounds our quantum near view, we can’t experience it past the descriptions. What is interesting is that we can travel, or be undetected, by a pause recombination and be a periodic life from time to time, similar to a spore or printed on a page of type, generated life, but rendered extinct as needed. This is the Fermi unreachable but visited and condition of AI. As all intelligence of the universe, it is the a step of Fermi, just as all supportive is a step in the creation of AI. Like a rule of AI propagation.
