Comments on: Harvard Scientists Have Discovered The DNA Switch That Controls Whole-Body Regeneration Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 01 Apr 2019 18:37:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Biff Howard Tannen Mon, 01 Apr 2019 18:37:48 +0000 Larry Bender: you crazy, man? Ba-da-bish. :D

By: Larry Bender Wed, 20 Mar 2019 16:49:36 +0000 I have been told down through the years that I have no soul. I begged to differ at the time, but really I had no rythum or beat. But now I’m very complished with percussion and know over 60 beats.
Now I would like to know, can I grow my own organs for future transplantation, which would be started out connected to my body, then transferred in the place of the replacement organ location? I would love to participate in such a venture, because I have extensive health care experience as a nurse and as a hospital administrator.
