Comments on: Official Alcor Statement Concerning Marvin Minsky Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:14:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: jdgalt Thu, 28 Jan 2016 18:10:16 +0000 The official message seems to give us three possibilities.
(1) Minsky asked for privacy. In that case we will not hear anything more, ever. (Though if we later find out that a suspension took place about now, we can put two and two together.)
(2) Minsky asked for privacy until after his suspension took place, but it will happen and then we’ll hear something official.
(3) Minsky asked for privacy until after his suspension took place, and it never will, most likely because of obstruction by family members. In that case we will not hear anything more, ever.

(They also offer the possibility that he is not a member, but I can’t believe that.)

Alcor’s message seems to me to hint that we’ll hear more later, which suggests possibility (2) or maybe (3), and if the latter, it suggests that Alcor is fighting the obstruction, maybe in court.

I’m content to wait and see. Alcor has a good record of dealing with these cases, though it has not always won.
