Comments on: What Was Your 1st Computer? — Computerphile Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 04 Jun 2017 18:16:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Lewis Tue, 15 Dec 2015 16:25:36 +0000 The first computer that was mine was a Commodore Amiga A500+ in the early 90s. I got it as a birthday present. I remember playing games on it with friends, but also playing with things like the CLI console on AmigaOS workbench and making graphics on the graphical editor called Deluxe Paint IV.

We also had Macs in the house while I was growing up, and I think that the earliest one we had was a 16MHz Macintosh II in the late 80s. We certainly had a 33MHz Quadra Apple Mac by the mid 90’s.
