Comments on: Couples, Culture and Sex: Who is Esther Perel? Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:50:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ted Howard Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:50:14 +0000 Agree in most respects.

We are extremely complex entities. We have needs in many dimensions (potentially infinite), and most of those dimensions are infinite.

As we as individuals become aware of our individual abilities to explore such a huge and multidimensional possibility space, the diversity of experience and understanding starts to increase exponentially. This is in radical opposition to many classical cultural paradigms that use a variety of mechanisms to restrict questioning and exploration of alternatives to maintain social agreement and social cohesion.

Our society is going “post cultural”, yet every individual requires a culture to begin with — no one can bootstrap such a complex system as post cultural awareness by themselves — it is a work of the explorations and experiences of many generations.

So we enter a time of radical diversity, of a need for radical tolerance.

We are approaching the end of the social utility of many concepts that have served our ancestors well, but are no longer useful. Many of these concepts are so fundamental to most cultural paradigms that most have never even begun to question them — they are simply accepted facts.

Perhaps the two most import at this stage seem to be the concept of market value (money) which is a scarcity based measure of value and cannot deal meaningfully with the universal abundance that automated technology is now capable of delivering, and the concept of truth which is now giving way to understandings fundamentally grounded in probability at all levels.

So yes — a time of profound change — at all levels, where we need to question everything — all of the motives and desires (at all levels) that are supplied by our evolved systems (genetic and cultural).

It appears to be a time where we must go past simple binary concepts, and accept infinite spectra — and the vast diversity that must logically result.

Choice in such an environment is a very profound enquiry.

I value connections at every level, at every stage of my development.
