Comments on: Transhumanism, Eugenics and the Dirrogate Immigration Challenge Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:29:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clyde DeSouza Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:25:13 +0000 »For a long time I also feared the possibility that AI could carry our unconscious “carcinogenic ” traits and that would be it for humanity…

There could be some truth in there. Like yourself, I am no AI expert, but as we’ve established, IQ is not academic alone.
Playing that card, we can perhaps take a stab at speculating thus, and again, borrowing from theism:

Genesis 1:27 –So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them…

Will the same be said for man transmitting his “likeness” to AGI and FAI?

By: Robert Newport Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:05:10 +0000 For a long time I also feared the possibility that AI could carry our unconscious “carcinogenic ” traits and that would be it for humanity. I of course knew nothing (and still don’t) about AI. One who does, pooh-poohed my fears and as he is an authority, I set them (uneasily) to rest. Subsequently I have reconsidered. These unconscious traits are not in the service of self-destruction, Freud was wrong, there is no ‘death instinct’ Thanatos he called i,t in the ID…what on the surface appears to be self-destructive, is in fact an unconscious attempt to stabilize a system which has been traumatized…if these traits are somehow transmitted to our AI superiors, surely the intent of them will also be. Psychotherapy does in fact work. That it is too slow, cumbersome and expensive, to be effective in the general population, is beside the point. Best case scenario, AI with superior, if not infinite intelligence, will show us a way to much more effective therapies. Robert R. Newport M.D.

By: Joe Nickence Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:24:30 +0000 I just finished the “Specter of Eugenics” article. Scary stuff. Racism has existed probably from as long as mankind has had a fear of the unknown. I’ve already read comments on Humanity+ about similar stuff. What I like is an ending comment by the author: “…personally I situate my desire for human enhancement in anarchist/communist/socialist utopianism”. Boiled down, it’s a statement of honest individuality. I would recommend going to, and doing a local search for “transhumanism”. The art you’ll get is the furthest thing from Eugenics you can imagine!

By: Clyde DeSouza Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:12:26 +0000 Good point and interesting observation.
Plain old “Https” won’t do for secure tele-traveling.

Someone will have to come up with a way to do point-to-point non IP based mind-streaming :-)

By: Joe Nickence Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:30:33 +0000 I had forgotten about the “ownership & governing” of dirrogates. In my own grappling with the concept, years back, I envisioned AI bots being licensed and registered with government agencies. Which brings up old specters of NymWars. “I am my avatar”. With the current debacle of the US spying on it’s citizens, I can easily see dirrogates needing to be registered globally with any sovereign nation they do business within. Without that “passport”, your dirrogate gets blocked at the ISP end. Pure and simple.
