Comments on: The importance of using the correct terms Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 10 Jan 2013 20:18:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marios Kyriazis Thu, 10 Jan 2013 20:18:51 +0000 Indeed, we know many facts about ageing cells and the mechanisms involved. I believe that we will soon see an extension of human lifespan to a substantial level. Nanotechnology etc will play some part but the main benefits will come through a process based on evolution and natural biological mechanisms. However, this will not enable us to live for ever (immortality). It will help us avoid ageing.

By: Izzy Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:16:17 +0000 I’ sorry for the comment above, to My defense the iPad is correcting My langue to swedish of some reason so somethings may be incorrect, even my email. What i was trying to say was: we have created many things we never thought we could and we’re doing it at a more rapid pass for each decade, we have already pinpointed many factors of why we age, should we not be able to stop it? To stop the destroction of organs and cells? Many scientists have alreadycome up Witherspoon some medicine and others are trying to improve it.
Althought i am courious about the nanotechnique they are galning about and the cyborg thing, i mean were have they got proof or somethings that can strengthen their theories, or have they just taken those nummers out of nowhere?
If you could ansedde me as soon as plaskvåt I would be really greatfull
Best regards izabelle BN
P.s. You have to Edfors My spelling and oth mistande I just can’t win aagainst my iPad!

By: Izzy Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:05:31 +0000 Okay, you wise one, do you believe that humans soon (about 60 years) Will be able to achieve human biological immortality?
If you do, why? What breakthrough have science made?
If not, why don’t you believe in the capability of science and research we have basically created many tvinga we never thought we could and we’re doing it at a
