Comments on: How do you debunk this? Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 17 Apr 2017 05:27:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pina Thu, 15 Nov 2012 15:30:01 +0000 Quantum mechanics is not just cnetour-intuitive — it’s scary. One of the ways the physicists talk about the implications of quantum mechanics on the real world is by saying “there is no deep reality”. They mean that below a certain level, everything is probabilistic. It’s not just that an electron has not yet exposed it’s state to the world — it’s that it *has no state* for large portions of its existence. Same for the other particles that make up our everyday world. My own translation of that interpretation is that at the particle level, “there ain’t nuthin’ down there”. It gave me nightmares when I realized that, and sometimes still does.

By: Benjamin T. Solomon Fri, 05 Oct 2012 23:30:10 +0000 I was hoping for some responses, by late evening.

This is an interesting video purely from an intellectual perspective as it illustrates how expectations can channel our efforts, or may be the other way around, that our efforts confine our expectations.

Obviously, Eric Davis, Richard Obousy and company, really believe that interstellar travel is 200 years, away.

If we do not buy into these expectations, we have a different approach to searching for feasible theories and technologies, as per Cost-Feasibility-Safety approach.
