Comments on: Consideration for Sub-Millisecond Pulsars (or the Lack Thereof) Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 24 May 2012 17:33:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Niccolò Tottoli Tue, 15 May 2012 13:45:41 +0000 BTW.: The energy loss because of the creation of micro black holes (MBH) could be much less in the case that only the remnants of MBH are stable.

By: PassingByAgain Tue, 15 May 2012 10:58:33 +0000 Well then, it all depends on what you mean by “unaccounted for”. For example, the ATLAS and CMS detectors cannot catch particles that fly too close to the direction of the beam (indeed, in searches for new physics they look for missing “transverse” energy). But this does not mean that one doesn’t know what happened to those particles. Indeed, the average fraction of particles (and of energy) that escapes along the beam can be calculated, and if the observed values had turned out different from the theory prediction believe me, you would have heard about it. Why this should be cause of any “concern” is beyond me. I think that YOUR friend Otto just repeated some random number that he had read somewhere without understanding what it meant.

By: Tom Kerwick Tue, 15 May 2012 10:43:35 +0000 I trust Otto will be comfortable with me quoting the relevant piece of correspondence:

Tom — “In the event that MBH cannot be detected by their theorized radiation, then the only way to guarantee that such are not being created is to ensure there is no unaccounted loss of (TeV-scale) energy from collision experiments, i.e. the collisions must be accountable to their products.” Otto — “Yes, but they are not. CERN says at different places that they cannot account for 100 of the energy in the collisions — I believe it is about 20 percent that unavoidably remain unaccounted for.”

Therefore I should clarify — this was expressed just as a concern/belief and not as a fact. I would be interested in seeing what the real percentages are. I would have expected the figures to be quite small but not NULL as you state. How old are you?

By: Tom Kerwick Tue, 15 May 2012 10:26:54 +0000 You may be misinterpreting unaccounted loss of energy with getting results of statistical significance — which is quite different. Again I just mentioned in passing that there is such concern/allegation. I await on Otto to elaborate on where he heard such a figure…

By: PassingByAgain Tue, 15 May 2012 10:17:59 +0000 Missing energy is the main search channel for new physics at the LHC, and it is eagerly looked for. In fact, it has been a source of some frustration in the physics community that all searches for missing energy in the 2011 data yielded NULL results. And now you can write with a straight face that 20% of the energy is “unaccounted for”, and that this creates “concerns”? What the hell are you talking about?

By: Tom Kerwick Tue, 15 May 2012 09:49:05 +0000 Didn’t take it as a fact — took it as a concern. It would be naive to think all energy could be accounted for, though admittedly 20% seems quite high. Perhaps Otto can elaborate…

By: PassingByAgain Tue, 15 May 2012 08:59:07 +0000 Do you still take Rossler’s “facts” at face value? How old are you?

By: Tom Kerwick Tue, 15 May 2012 05:16:19 +0000 That 20% figure of unaccounted for mass/energy was a concern raised to me as fact by your friend Prof Otto Rossler last week. Perhaps Otto can elaborate for you…

By: PassingByAgain Tue, 15 May 2012 00:16:00 +0000 20% percent of the energy of LHC collisions unaccounted for? Where have you found this nonsense???
