Comments on: Safe Drinking Water: an endangered resource Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 22 May 2012 22:54:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jose S. Aldea Tue, 22 May 2012 22:54:12 +0000 MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012

Three evidences disprove existence of black hole

Does black hole exist? Three strong evidences do not support existence of black hole. First, the result of the Large Hadron Collider, ($ 3 billion LHC), the largest, most powerful particle accelerator, in the proton to proton collision, at temperature of 7TEV , 10TEV upon proton-proton collision (creating such temperature closest at Big Bang), and at 99.99% speed of light collision, what the LHC found was a “quark-gluon plasma”, the same “quark-gluon plasma” content of neutron star. The second evidence is the visible ejected super-speed jets of several galaxies, which are in form of plasma, proving that the content of black hole is quark-gluon plasma. Third, most galaxies are rotating at average speed of 3 million miles per/hour. Rotating at such speed would create energy, heat, light, exactly what is seen in ALL galaxies: light, again like neutron star. Neutron star, the collapsed star, a spoon thereof weighs a billion tons up, super-spins hundred to thousand of times per second, such super-spin of neutron star has uncannily similar spin of black hole. IS THERE INSTEAD SUPER GIANT NEUTRON STAR AT THE CENTER OF GALAXIES? Another question, is mini Big Bang created in that collision, that quark-gluon plasma?

Concept of black hole was taken FROM Dr. Einstein statement referring “to certain region in space with strong gravitational field that even light cannot escape” at the early 19th century but Dr. Einstein was not exactly referring to any suspended body, object, re-MASS, in space but to his conceived CERTAIN REGION in space very much related to wormhole. Until his death in 1955, Dr. Einstein denied the existence of black hole.

Posted by Capiz Scientists and Invertors Society at 4:42 PM

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