Comments on: “You are What you Don’t Eat!” Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 14 Apr 2011 21:15:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: robomoon Thu, 14 Apr 2011 21:15:17 +0000 Play in 3 Scenes. Scene1: Joe Host is walking with an empty stomach over to a very common restaurant in Europe and tries an order: “Got food like 5 avocado burgers for EUR 1,00 each and 3 blueberry drinks for EUR 1,50 each? Not wrapped up, we are dining here!” Seller: “What? Want cheeseburgers and cola?” Scene2: Joe Host, still with an empty stomach, is walking over to the health food store and asks: “Got food like 3 avocado rolls for EUR 1,70 each and 3 blueberry drinks for EUR 1,50 each? Not wrapped up, we are eating now!” Seller: “Sorry? How about 2 avocado extract rolls for frying at home and 1 refundable bottle of blueberry juice?” Scene3: Joe Host, finally with full stomach, is hurrying out of a supermarket while shouting happily: “Guys, come over, take 5 from my six-pack now, I am still on calorie restriction from hiking!”
