Comments on: Have Corporations Become a Global Existential Threat? Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:31:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: serendipity Fri, 11 Jun 2010 04:55:46 +0000 Yes, this article is hopelessly naive. Corporation is a business form. There are very good reasons for this business form that have very nothing to do with anything particularly nefarious. The limited liability aspect of corporations is actually required for many of the ventures whose fruits we enjoy today to ever come to pass.

What is a global existential threat is government, especially of the size we have today. If you examine the record of the 20th century you will see that governments directly caused the death of many tens of millions and threatened the survival of humanity itself. Governments have largely destroyed the viability of most Western economies while conditioning “their citizens” to blame conditions on business organization and other scapegoats. Not that some of these haven’t been bottom feeders par excellence on the carrion government created.

By: Oliver Starr Thu, 10 Jun 2010 23:54:07 +0000 Wintel — great points. It seems we agree fully however you have exposed that this threat may actually be even more grave than I had previously thought.

By: WIntelAgency Thu, 10 Jun 2010 03:32:27 +0000 I looked into similar questions and issues on the Transnational Super Class, which are certain CEOs of the World’s largest Corporations, billionaires who are involved with World disruptive technology gaming, technology entrepreneurs, top military commanders, politicians with great influence, select religious leaders, media barons, even terrorist leaders and master criminals, and more. These Corporations enjoy transnational status, while being subjected to the national laws everywhere, they are often allowed significant power on the governments whose law define them. A possible example that is real? Look how Haliburton derives significant revenue from the U.S. Government and its US operations, but when public pressures and opinion turned against its practices, it moved its headquarters to the Persian Gulf. These Super Class oligarchs will move from one government to another, if they aren’t obliged their power and influence. Today it appears that many large transnational corporations are moving towards the Persian Gulf or other countries in the Middle East (to better exert their power?).
