Comments on: The New Rise of Online Health Tracking Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 14 Jan 2009 17:10:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Clymer Wed, 14 Jan 2009 17:10:07 +0000 One category of health tracking that was omitted was the near explosive growth of tracking personal lab testing data. In health care today it’s estimated that 70% of all health problems are either diagnosed or confirmed by lab tests. This makes them a huge part of any health care solution.

Our company, MyMedLab, is a direct-to-consumer provider of the same lab tests used by doctors and hospitals. The difference is that we create a single solution of quality testing, physician oversight, and local sample collection into a simple consumer experience. Consumers have access to nearly 200 tests both individually and profiles bases on their specific age, sex and family history.

We are seeing a ground swell of interest across all demographics of people who have begun to get involved. Some from financial necessity or past experiences, others simply because they already do those types of personal oversight in their legal and financial matters.

Regardless of why you do it, the benefits of creating “baseline” health data and tracking changes over time are easy to see.

1. If you are young and healthy, you can create a starting point to compare to as you get older.

2. If you are middle aged and haven’t seen a doctor in a while, it gives you an unbiased evaluation of your current health.

3. If you are older or suffer from chronic disease, you get directly involved in your care.

Our message is simple. “Get involved in your health care. Your life and your family are depending on it.”

David Clymer

By: Rahul Wed, 14 Jan 2009 06:41:51 +0000 Thanks for the post.

There is another website which I found useful for tracking my health is

They allow diet and activity tracking with calorie content. Also one can track sleeping hours and water consumed.


By: New Gadgets | The New Rise of Online Health Tracking Wed, 14 Jan 2009 02:49:06 +0000 […] Original post by Gadget PR .Com […]

By: Jared Daniel Tue, 13 Jan 2009 23:21:26 +0000 When databases of this kind of data become available, they can be mined for correlations to find causes of health events that are separated in time from the health problems. This mining could be done for a specific person, or for people in general. I think some surprises will come to light, and they will be very useful.
