Comments on: Mankind’s secrets kept in lunar ark Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 30 Apr 2017 09:06:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: robomoon Tue, 11 Mar 2008 20:47:09 +0000 Five hard disks, four different engines for space craft, three robots, two receivers, one rocket. That’s an equipment which leaves opportunities for more. A few information banks on earth may be added after the robots have accomplished their tasks on the moon. Better construct these robots now and try further research later.

By: John McNulty Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:34:20 +0000 Why not put a few here on Earth?

Some redundancy in this regard would be desirable.

By: robomoon Mon, 10 Mar 2008 20:54:13 +0000 Plans could be divided into a 20- and 50-years-project. The 20-years-project comes first. It brings hard disks and transmitters to the moon. So if the question what to do if no receivers survived can be solved before the end of the 1st project, the 50-years-project should begin earlier than in 20 years. Tulips can be planted within the 50 years project. When people rush things like the research on biospheres on the moon, they loose opportunities which are needed to make the ark really secure.
